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    International Day for   Tolerance


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 Healthy Lifestyle




  • Активізувати мовленнєву діяльність,удосконалити монологічне та діалогічне мовлення, використовуючи вірші, пісні, скоромовки;
  • Розширити та поглибити знання учнів про здоровий та нездоровий спосіб харчування про шкоду паління та вживання алкоголю;
  • Розвивати пам’ять та увагу учнів під час заучування віршів та монологічних висловлювань, сприяти розвитку як підготовленого, так і спонтанного мовлення, розширити світогляд учнів та підвищити культурний рівень;
  • Сприяти розкриттю індивідуальних здібностей у співі, артистизмі, показати свої вміння та навички володіння англійською мовою.


аудіозаписи пісень;


1 ведучий: Good afternoon dear teachers, pupils and our guests! We are so happy to see you here. You look very well: healthy, strong and in a good mood. What should we do to keep fit and to be healthy for a long time?

2 ведучий: We should go in for sports, eat healthy food, spend a lot of time outdoors, sleep a lot, be in a good mood, laugh a lot and be on friendly terms with people.

1 ведучий: You are absolutely right. So today we are going to speak about a healthy way of life.

2 ведучий:Ok! Let`s start our demonstration lesson. Well, good health is a great gift. To be healthy is the most important thing in the world.

Look at the screen!


Healthy Lifestyle

1 ведучий: Now I propose you to look at these posters. Do you like them?

Yes, of course. I like them too. Very much!

Now, let’s listen to our boys and girls and they’ll tell us everything about them.

 Come on boys and girls!

1 учень: – We are going to tell you about Healthy lifestyle.

2 учень: – We can hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle but what does it mean?

3 учень: – In general a healthy person doesn’t smoke, eats healthy food and does exercises.

4 учень: – Although many people are for healthy food, they sometimes visit “Mc Donalds”. To be honest it’s not bed from time to time, but as long as you don’t make it a habit.

Anyway, everybody should know that junk food and fast food is very harmful for our health.

5 учень: – We live in Ukraine. We all want to be fit and healthy. But what should we do?

6 учень: – As a rule, in order to remain healthy it’s important for teenagers to eat healthy food – fruit, vegetables and lots of salads.

7 учень: – There are some tips for you:

Eat a healthy diet!

Sweets, chocolate and crisps are buns to eat sometimes but it is not good to eat them every day. They contain too much sugar, fat or salt.

1 учень: – Make sure you eat vegetables and fruit.

There are 5 reasons to eat fruit and vegetables:

  • First of all – they are useful and tasty
  • Secondly – they are unique
  • Third – they contain plenty of vitamins and minerals
  • Then – they help you stay healthy
  • And the last – you will grow strong!

2 учень: – Drink a lot of water and milk.

Water and juices are better for you that fizzy drinks because fizzy drinks contain lots of sugar.

Milk is good because it contains calcium. You need calcium to help your 206 bones to grow and keep your teeth strong.

So don’t forget the main rules:

Too little food makes you thin

Too much food makes you fat

The wrong food makes you ill

The right food makes you well

Учень: – Listen to my poem:

Life is given as a gift

So wonderful and new.

We need to live it day to day,

Being careful as we do.

For life can give us many years,

Or only month or days.

And used in special ways.

Stop and take the moment

To help the poorer man.

Or teach a child something.

Lend a helping hand.

Small things are plain to see:

Great rewards return to you.

Give the best of life; it’s free.

Ведуча: Our classmates  give us some recommendations what we should do keep our heart and brain healthy.

3 учень:

It’s necessary to have a rest
And always try to do the best
To get from nature so much health
And use intelligently its wealth.

4 учень:

It’s necessary to have a talk
After a long nice walk
To share somebody’s thoughts
About the beauty of rocks

5 учень:

It’s necessary to have dinner
And think how to become thinner.
To eat more vegetables and fruit
Less rich and fried food

6 учень:

It’s necessary to go in for sports
To play games of any sort
Strong and healthy always be
Good results in competition see

Ведуча: Oh we have understood that we must not drink a lot of coffee, smoke, drink alcohol and eat a lot of food.

Ведучий: Also you must go to bed in time. Eat meat and drink tea with sugar. Don’t drink coffee and tea late in the evening, don’t smoke.

Ведучий: If you want to be strong and healthy, if you want to keep fit, you should remember some tips from the participants of our party.


Слайди з малюнками

  • Get up early in the morning
  • Do your morning exercises
  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Take a cool or cold shower
  • Never smoke
  • Get 3 meals a day
  • Go to the gym 3 times a week
  • Wash your hands before you eat
  • Help your parents with the house work
  • Keep your clothes clean
  • Take care of your body
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Give a smile to your friends!

Ведучий: Of course, sport is very popular in our country. Thousands of people go in for sports because it helps people and teenagers to keep in good health.

Ведуча: That’s why all of us go in for skating, skiing, snowboarding, bowling, tennis, dancing, swimming. Everybody enjoys seafood or fresh juice at the café or restaurant. We spend plenty of time outdoors, walk with friends because it is one of the most pleasant ways of spending free time. So we become more sociable, friendly and happy. We are sure that a healthy way of life is a great fun for teenagers nowadays.

And now dear teachers and classmates .Let`s invite our classmate Angelina with her poem and performance.

You are Welcome Angelina.

Oh sport! You are enjoyment!

Oh sport! You are architect!

Oh sport! You are justice!

Oh sport! You are challenge!

You are nobles, you are joy!

Oh sport! You are piece!


Let`s invite our classmates with their song about healthy food.

'The Healthy Food Song' Lyrics


Stop eating, that! Stop eating, that! Sugary food.

Stop eating, that Stop eating. that! Fatty food.

It’s bad for you, it’s bad for you. Sugary food.

It’s bad for you, it’s bad for you. Fatty food.


Too much Sugar is bad for you

(Too much Sugar is bad for you)

Cake, sweets and lollipops too!

(Cake, sweets and chocolate too!)

Milk and dairy are good for you!

(Milk and dairy are good for you!)

I like cheese and yogurt too.

(I like cheese and yogurt too).


Meat and fish are good for you.

Start eating healthy food.

Bread and cereals are good for you.

Start eating healthy food.


Stop eating, that! Stop eating, that! Sugary food.

Stop eating, that Stop eating. that! Fatty food.

It’s bad for you, it’s bad for you. Sugary food.

It’s bad for you, it’s bad for you. Fatty food.


Fatty food is bad for you

(Fatty food is bad for you)

Pizza, donuts and hamburgers too

(Pizza, chips and hamburgers too)

Fruit and vegetables are good for you.

(Fruit and vegetables are good for you)

Cabbages, broccoli and apples too.

(Cabbages, broccoli and apples too)


Meat and fish are good for you

Bread and cereals are good for you

Milk and dairy are good for you

Fruit and vegetables are good for you


Ведуча: To sum up, we hope you’ve had a chance at our today’s party to understand that much depends on you. If you want to be happy and healthy, it is on you.

Ведучий: So, try to control your lifestyle and try to see the benefits of sports, healthy food physical activity.

Thank you for attention.

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